With a spark of positivity and hope, get ready to check yet another jackpot from West Bengal State Lottery. Some great things come at your own comfort zone like prizes from Bangasree Ichamati Result. The much-awaited result will be announced on 21st April 2019 where you can get lucky. Don’t miss out on a chance to win a prize worth Rs 30 Lakh.
Positive hope and West Bengal State Lottery Result is what needed to make your future bright. Now is the time to think about the biggest goal of your life and fulfil them with seven lottery schemes. Contact a registered agent/retailer today and spend Rs 6 on the paper ticket. Who knows you could be the next millionaire!
Finally, Check result from the five winning categories and see if this is your lucky day.
Old Result:
Good luck for Bangasree Damodar Result of West Bengal State Lottery on 20-04-2019.
1st Prize `30 Lakhs/-
36L 09971
Cons. Prize ` 1000/-
2nd Prize ` 9000/-
04454 18362 27282 28298 40470
46822 77367 82869 89164 98751
3rd Prize ` 500/-
0485 3811 6085 7115 7713
8063 8585 8669 8873 8876
4th Prize ` 250/-
2504 2636 3919 4747 5438
5702 6010 6882 8263 9914
5th Prize ` 120/-
0034 0881 1717 3389 4605 5643 6609 7225 7787 8856
0052 0908 1992 3437 4660 5708 6671 7267 7792 8932
0299 1154 2135 3460 4933 5943 6791 7288 8126 9041
0414 1378 2152 3686 4970 6022 6798 7419 8203 9114
0415 1398 2269 3754 5066 6065 6864 7539 8336 9427
0427 1465 2325 3790 5129 6356 6887 7684 8449 9647
0631 1484 2326 3869 5228 6442 6907 7693 8491 9694
0704 1524 2487 3899 5307 6493 6967 7705 8699 9696
0759 1579 2985 4416 5407 6513 7053 7706 8721 9742
0768 1685 2991 4601 5523 6569 7166 7729 8750 9884
Issued By: The Director of West Bengal Lottery Board
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