April 22, 2019
| On 4 days ago

Here is Banga Laxmi Teesta Result of West Bangal State Lottery (22-04-2019)

By Saina Fatima

Here is Banga Laxmi Teesta Result of West Bangal State Lottery

Get ready to win against all the odds with seven lottery schemes at West Bengal State Lottery. The much-awaited list of winners for Banga Laxmi Teesta is to be announced soon. Ticket holders are advised to check the result carefully from the list on 22nd April 2019. This 49th draw is here to start your week with a big jackpot by declaring result around 04:00 PM.

Spark up your motivation and keep trying in West Bengal State Lottery Result. Lottery draws works in a simple way, sometimes you win and sometimes you don’t. When you win a jackpot worth Rs 30 lakh, your happiness touches the sky. Lottery India wishes you all the luck and don’t forget to check the numbers at the specified time.

Also, read:

Check out Bangasree Ichamati Result of West Bengal State Lottery on 21-04-2019.


Check Results

1st Prize `30 Lakhs/-

32G 61262

Cons. Prize ` 1000/-


2nd Prize ` 9000/-

09414 27658 28452 49164 49682
57617 80704 80805 81850 89397

3rd Prize ` 500/-

0751 1589 3319 4391 4444
7126 7751 7902 8919 9693

4th Prize ` 250/-

1631 3179 3873 4117 4154
4290 4736 4778 7360 8625

5th Prize ` 120/-

0018 0908 1921 2538 3959 5251 5716 7079 8080 8782
0084 1129 1972 2559 4167 5279 5782 7219 8197 8986
0159 1288 2074 2594 4189 5349 5934 7297 8204 8992
0256 1455 2090 2665 4351 5355 6237 7381 8227 9038
0272 1564 2207 2970 4618 5393 6388 7409 8274 9128
0345 1625 2251 3121 4845 5408 6446 7477 8426 9190
0458 1626 2333 3374 4941 5461 6475 7509 8434 9361
0521 1747 2500 3471 5106 5506 6685 7512 8573 9392
0648 1816 2505 3509 5150 5523 6929 7989 8609 9614
0865 1831 2515 3616 5162 5565 6936 8058 8737 9682

Issued By: The Director of West Bengal Lottery Board

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Saina Fatima

A focused, self-motivated digital marketer with a creative flair who wants to bring digital marketing strategies to life.

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